Details for this torrent 

total recall
Video > Movies DVDR
4.36 GB

Spoken language(s):
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+0 / -0 (0)

Feb 6, 2007

English audio. swe, dan, fin, nor subs

Dolby Digital.


Thanks for this one!
Har velat se denna igen ett bra tag nu..
Hi! I shut down the computer tonight, but I´ll
be back in the morning......!
damn, many people want this movie .D
thanks, bilbingo. keep up the good work!
Tackar för denna, verkar konstigt nog inte finnas nån release på denna... En av Arnolds bästa rullar! Kanon!
Is there anyone who has succeeded downloading this one yet?
Downloaded: 0 times

hundratals leechers på denna så inte så konstigt att det tar lång tid. det blir klart när som helst nu tror jag
Thanks for uploading Bilbingo, but why does a fresh torrent like this stuck on 98.9%..? Please give us all 158 leechers an extra boost!
Great movie, by the way, indeed one of Arnies best!
Well I'm not stuck but it moves pretty slow on 0.1 - 0.5 kb/s... so I guess we'll all have to have a bit of patience... Noone seem to have more than 99.0 rite now and I'm one of 'em...
Thanks for this, but everyone is stuck on 99.0%. Please give us all leechers the final % so we can complete this one!

Should be done within the next hour... sitting at 99.8%...but still downloading... Thanks bilbingo!! :-)
A lot of hit and run here
Thanks bilbingo, got it!
YEES havent seen this one yet, but i´m very glad for this piece of supreme torrent you offer bilbingo.
ThanX so much,,, :)
This is PAL.
Det går väldigt sakta 0,5 kB/s och 21,7%..
Det är skit, ingen seedar! Kanske nere några veckor in på nästa år. Ev kan det bero på Comhemskräpet!